The Drive Up
- The beginning of the journey – still sweet and clean
- Mount Hood, Oregon
- Evening patterns, Glacier National Park
- Across the Great Divide
- Red Rock Trail, Waterton National Park, Canada
- Natural Bridge, Yoho National Park, Canada
- River-smooth rocks
- The Alaska-Canada Highway
- A gracious rest stop
- Muncho Lake
- Road-side entertainment – bison jousting
- The Sign Post Forest, Watson Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Cheery greeting in Atlin, British Columbia, Canada
- The only access to Atlin Provincial Park – float plane or boat
- Sunset over Atlin Lake
- Those darn Canadians!
- Fixing frost heaves on the Al-Can Highway
- Wrangel-St. Elias National Park
- Alaska’s State Bird
- On the road to Valdez
- Getting close!
- The perfect campsite, Squirrel Campground Alaska
- Greeting in motel room, Denali, Alaska
- You can get anywhere from Fairbanks!
The Refuge
- Crossing the Arctic Circle on the way north to Coldfoot
- Wood surfaced bridge over the Yukon River, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in the distance
- Coyote Air Headquarters, Coldfood Alaska
- Bush Pilot humor
- Our first night in the Refuge. The Marsh Fork of the Canning River looking south-west
- Rock with fossilized coral, evidence of the sea bed these mountains once were
- Braids in the river
- The immediacy of geologic history – Uplifted limestone
- Alluvial fans and tundra
- Having fun while staying dry in the cook tent
- A break in the storm
- Havin’ a blast on the ‘front’ of the raft
- The walls of the canyon before the raft hit
- Paradise found – spring water cascading into the Canning
- Looking east into the valley of the Canning River
- Horsetails and Bear berries
- Fran and a Dall ram skull
- Caribou Trail carved into the soggy tundra
- Lichen heiroglyphs
- A glorious pool discovered in the middle of the tundra plain
- Twilight at the confluence of the Marsh Fork and the Canning River, looking north west
- Long shadows of new friends
- Morning mist
- Jeff, Sigrid, and Fran enjoying smooth water
- Arctic poppies enlivening the gravel bar
- Wolf Tracks along the river bank
- Moonrise over the Continental Divide
- Moon sliding behind “confluence peak”
- River sculpture
- Hidden lake for swimming, dreaming and gathering memories our last day in the Refuge
- The sliding sun painting the landscape
- Never did I think this would be me!
- Celebrating catching my first fish, ever! (an Arctic Grayling)
- Rick at one with the river
- A perfect evening for fishing
- Pulling in to our final campsite at Plunge Creek
- A tundra puzzle created by freeze and thaw
- The Beaver on the gravel bar used as a landing strip, our trip at an end
- Over the Brooks Range on our way south, tributary river, autumn tundra and the brush strokes of scree
The Drive Down
- The first signs of fall
- Wildflowers in Homer, Alaska, looking over to Kachemak Bay State Park
- Kenai River peace
- Sculpture, Anchorage Museum
- Shaman Mask, Native Artifacts Exhibit, Achorage Museum
- Matanuska-Susitna Valley gold
- Boardwalk, Tetlin National Wildife Refuge
- Sunset, Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge
- It just kept getting better!
- Hammer Museum, Haines, Alaska
- Rainbow Glacier, Haines, Alaska
- Totem, Sitka Alaska
- Totem detail, Sitka Alaska
- Fall colors in the spruce forest of Southeast Alaska
- Rainbow from ferry
- Creek Street, Ketchikan, Alaska
- Positivie thinking in Ketchikan
- Sunset from the ferry
- Ruby Beach, Olympic Peninsula, Washington
- Beach art, Ruby Beach, Olympic Peninsula, Washingington
- Waterfall, Hoh Rain Forest, Washington
- Hoh Rain Forest, Washington
- Maples turning, Hoh Rain Forest
- The final sunset
But Wait There’s More…
- Loading gear and fuel
- The Brooks Range by air
- Coming in for a landing
- Confirming pick up point with the pilot
- Our first camp
- Laughter in the rain
- The next valley beckons
- Loaded up and ready to float
- Fran and the Marine Magnum shotgun
- Confluence of the Marsh Fork and the Canning River, our camp at the point
- An overnight visitor
- Andria toasts with Canning River water
- Evening softness
- Rick off to fish!
- How far do we have to carry this thing?
- Autumn in the Arctic
- The last view of the Refuge
- Home sweet home in Coldfoot